Looking for a new agricultural opportunity? You’ve come to the right place! From global nutrition to 4IR training, Food For Mzansi has got you covered. To add your agri-events to our calendar, e-mail us on info@foodformzansi.co.za.
Hello Mzansi! This week’s agricultural events kick off with an online woman-to-woman supply chain webinar from AGRA. They have found that women across the continent start their SMEs with little capital, but are often excluded from the agricultural value chain.
It is also Africa Water Week, which the African Union is celebrating with an online conference. As usual, Food For Mzansi dedicates Wednesday evenings to Twitter Spaces, where farmers #GatherToGrow, and the North West agricultural department is inviting smallholders to apply for various parcels of lands to lease to expand their businesses.
For more events, check out the calendar on Food For Mzansi’s homepage as well as this weekly article, published every Monday, giving you the low-down on informative, useful and even lucrative opportunities in the agriculture sector. Email info@foodformzansi.co.za to add your event to the calendar.
Monday, 22 November
Increasing the participation of women in the agri supply chain
Hosted by the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa, this webinar aims to increase the participation of women-owned agricultural small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the supply chain. Topics under discussion include woman-to-woman supply chains, innovative approaches or models to achieve women economic empowerment, as well as challenges faced by women agri-SMEs.
Sign up for the webinar here.
Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021
The eighth Africa Water Weeks starts this Monday. To celebrate, the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) and the African Union Commission are holding a virtual conference that seeks to discuss and collectively find solutions to the continent’s water and sanitation challenges. Register here for the conference.
Tuesday, 23 November
Exploring the global need for healthy, sustainable diets
The event, held as a precursor to the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit, will launch the 2021 Global Nutrition Report (GNR). This report outlines key challenges and solutions to address poor diets and resulting malnutrition in all its forms across the world. The virtual event features stakeholders from across food production providing insight into their sector.
Click here for more.
Wednesday, 24 November
Join us for Food For Mzansi #GatherToGrow on Twitter Spaces
Are you an aspirant farmer looking for more information on how to get into the agricultural sector? Do you have a smartphone and a Twitter account? Join us then, every Wednesday at 18:00 for Food For Mzansi #GatherToGrow. We also feature one of agriculture’s favourite daughters, Gugulethu Mahlangu, every first and last Wednesday of the month.
Follow us at @FoodforMzansi to participate!
Thursday, 25 November
Free SME 4IR training workshop
Hosted by the University of Johannesburg’s digital research chair: food and beverage, this in-person training workshop will provide free training on digital marketing, digital maintenance, digital planning, digital operations, strategy, human resources and finance for small to medium enterprises (SME). The university is in the process of building a free to use digital SME platform, and is aiming to get contributions from stakeholders in SMEs. The two-day training is being provided both in person as well as online, although the online training only takes place later.
Click here to register.
Last day to submit lease application
The department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (DALRRD) has opened up an invitation for lease applications in Mahikeng in the North West . The land is described as “ideal for a budding farmer” and the applicant needs to have a proven track record of successful subsistence farming. The application requires a minimum of three years’ experience in vegetable production.
Application deadline is Thursday, 11:30. Click here for more information.
The Regenerative Agriculture Conference 2021
The Regenerative Agriculture Conference of 2021 aims to progress food security on the continent by bringing together various stakeholders in the agricultural and food sectors. The conference includes regenerative agriculturists, government representatives and private investors, among others.
To sign up for the conference, click here.
Friday, 26 November
Submit your lease application
The department of agriculture, land reform and rural development (DALRRD) has opened more invitations for lease applications in the North West. In this invitation, there are six portions of land across the province available for emerging farmers.
Application deadline is 2 December 2021.
Click here for more information.