In 2006, a group of women embarked on a journey that reshaped the lives of villagers in Tooseng, Limpopo. These women planted 1500 moringa trees. Little did they know that their collective efforts were about to become a beacon of transformation for the people who called this village their cherished home.
Years later, the result is a successfully operating moringa company called Mor Nutri Products. Run by Tshepiso Seloane, Mor Nutri Products grows moringa trees and processes them into natural and eco-friendly products.
Mor Nutri produces products that have been developed under “Ubuntu Based Bio Innovation” which includes production, processing, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution.
Taking care of the youth and women
“We are proud that employ 90% youth and 70% of them are women,” says Seloane who is the co-founder and managing director of Mor Nutri Products. Their product offering includes moringa health tea blends, moringa health shakes, and moringa health shots.
It all started in 2005 when the late philanthropist Mavis Mathabatha established an NPO drop-in centre to feed orphans and vulnerable children in her community. A year later, Mathabatha and women in her community took on the challenge of clearing bushes and planting their first moringa trees, Seloane explains.
“Moringa leaves were harvested and ground into powder, which was then added to meals for the children.
“Since inception, the moringa business has distributed thousands of moringa seedlings to the local community for planting in their gardens so they can directly benefit from the rich nutritious components of the tree,” she explains.
Health and sustainability
Not only is the business creating jobs but it is also providing people with healthier food options to choose from while using sustainable farming practices that do not harm the environment.
By producing innovative and naturally easy-to-consume moringa premium products such as tea blends and shakes, Seloane believes that Mor Nutri plays a vital role in ensuring that marginalised communities have access to nutritious products.
While moringa products are easy and convenient to consume, it also considers environmentally friendly farming practices. For example, waste material from moringa leaves and stems is processed into compost.
Giving back with a grateful heart
Every day, Seloane wakes up with a heart filled with humility and gratitude.
“What gives me the drive is the impact that we make. We contribute to food security and help the children and youth take in some nutritional food. Furthermore, we are contributing to the employment rate, and we are grateful for the community that is standing with us,” she explains.
Tips for agripreneurs:
- Always have an open heart and mind
- Be innovative
- Use what you have to make a difference
- Research and create
- Use social media as a marketing tool
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